Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Electric Versus Manual Breast Pumps

!±8± Electric Versus Manual Breast Pumps

All new mothers have the same questions about breast pumps, "which is better, manual or electric?" Many people will tell you that it is your personal preference and get the one you like. If you aren't sure and do not know what way to turn, then here is some information on the age old question.

If you are a new mother and have just started breastfeeding, you should hold off on an electric pump. Sometimes breastfeeding does not work out. You have every intention of breastfeeding your child for at least six months, but you may not be able to do it. The child may not latch on correctly and never get the hang of it. You may find that it is uncomfortable and you do not want to continue. Breast pumps can be expensive and buying a manual one will save you money in case you decide against it.

The manual breast pump is also great for those on a budget. They are small and can fit into a diaper bag very easily. They are lightweight and will not bog you down when gathering everything up for a day out with your newborn. It is also best to get the manual pump if you are just not sure how long you are going to breastfeed. If you are thinking about breastfeeding for only a few months, then you may not want to make the investment in something so expensive. The manual breast pump also lets you control the speed and the suction that you are pumping.

However, with all that being said, you may be a pro at breastfeeding. If this is your second child and you know that you are going to be breastfeeding for quite some time, you may want to invest in the electric pump. You may already know that there will be a third child eventually and the pump will be put to good use. If you plan on returning to work and need to pump daily and quickly, then the electric pump is a great investment. The electric pump also helps mothers increase their milk supply. When deciding between the two, think about your own situation and what will be best for you.

Electric Versus Manual Breast Pumps

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Breast Pump Review

This video is about my Medela Breast Pump, and Breast feeding issues concern and stuff I use. If anyone has any tips about different types of freezer bags to use to store your breast milk please let me know. The bottles we are using we got from Target and are called Adiri. They have a website www.adiri.com

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Roaches in Electronics and Computers - What to Do to Get Them Out

!±8± Roaches in Electronics and Computers - What to Do to Get Them Out

One of the most disturbing sights to see is when someone open up electronics like a computer and roaches come crawling out. Many people in computer repair have had to witness this creepy sight when working on computers that are in homes with a roach problem. What can be done about roaches inside a computer?

Roaches go towards electronics in the first place because it's a nice, warm place compared to the environment in the room. The problem is that over time they can cause electrical shorts and cause major damage to your computer when coming into contact with certain parts inside.

You could open the computer and try to dig them out by hand but this is not the most pleasant experience. If doing it this way, be sure the computer is completely unplugged and turned on.

The easiest way to take care of them is with a garbage bag. Put the computer into a garbage bag and seal it. The roaches will no longer have their heat, food, or water. After about a week the roaches will be dead. This is a much longer process but will work much better and keep you from having to come into contact with live roaches. This is the simplest way of dealing with roaches in electronics whether it's a computer, television, radio, or other electronic device.

If you put the computer back and do nothing else, the roaches in the house will come back and repeat this process. You will have to take the proper steps to get rid of the home's roach infestation. This can be done on your own with roach products or by getting a professional service to take care of the problem.

In the future, consider also putting your computer up on a table or box to keep it off the floor. This won't prevent the issue completely but can help keep some of the roaches out in the future.

Roaches in Electronics and Computers - What to Do to Get Them Out

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